Tips For Skin During The Winter
Season changes can affect the skin and exacerbate existing skin conditions. In cold weather, cold air, wind, and indoor heat have a drying effect on the skin. Even people with normal skin experience reddening of the cheeks, taut skin, and cracked lips as moisture gets sucked off the skin. For those who suffer from eczema, psoriasis, and acne, winter can be particularly a problematic period. But, there are ways to combat the effects of winter and keep your skin soft and supple. Here are some effective skin tips for winter weather:
Cold temperatures tighten the skin's pores and this reduces blood circulation. As a result, there’s a reduction of sebum, naturally occurring oil that traps moisture next to the skin. To increase hydration, try to limit your sodium intake as much as possible. Instead, eat foods rich in vitamins A and C as these help with cellular regeneration at the skin’s basal layer. Additionally, applying rich moisturizers 2-3 times a day will keep moisture locked in, preventing it from evaporating. We also can’t leave water out of the equation. Drinking plenty of water will keep your skin hydrated. Doctors recommend at least two litres of water on a daily basis.
Keep those showers short
In cold weather, it’s so tempting to turn up the heat and soak in a long bath or take an extended shower. But no matter how soothing hot showers feel during cold weather, they are a big no no! Once out of the shower, evaporation causes the skin to become drier. Hot water will also strip off the natural oils, fats, and proteins that keep your skin healthy. To keep your skin looking radiant in winter, try to limit your shower time to five to seven minutes. Additionally, keep the water temperature below 37 degrees celsius. Anything higher than this will destabilize your skin.
Modify Your Facial Skin-Care Regimen for the Season
You shouldn’t abandon your skin-care regimen simply because it’s winter. Rather, modify it to suit the climate. If you normally cleanse and apply toners, you can continue to do so even during winter. The only thing is that you should pay attention to the ingredients in the products you use. Avoid using products that contain alcohol and fragrances as these rob skin of its natural oils. Formulae that contain moisture-retaining ingredients like hyaluronic acid and ceramides work well to lock in moisture. Even better, products that contain chamomile and glycerin will calm irritated skin. After cleansing, make sure you moisturize.
Hair removal
Winter may seem like the perfect time to take a break from hair removal. After all, why go for hair removal when no one is going to see your skin anyway. As counter-intuitive as it may seem, winter is a perfect time to consider hair removal. When you get rid of your hair during winter, by the time summer arrives, you’ll have achieved a significant hair reduction. This is because the longer you consistently get hair removal done, the weaker the hair follicles become which means less hair will grow back. But not all hair removal methods will work well during winter! Remember, you want to protect your skin's oils and moisture. Natural hair removal methods like sugaring will protect your skin while getting rid of unwanted hair.
At Bare Body Sugaring, we care about the health of your skin through all the seasons. For more enquiries about hair removal or general skincare tips, we are just a call away.