What is sugaring ?
Sugaring is hair removal. The sugar is a paste made up of sugar, lemon juice, and water that takes off every hair possible. The ancient Egyptians nailed it when they came up with the most brilliant hair removal method ever invented!
Why not wax?
• Sugaring hurts less
• It’s quicker
• Much more thorough
Sugaring attaches to the hairs and doesn’t disturb the surface of the skin. Sugar will never burn you and we never double dip. We change our gloves each and every time we take sugar from the jar.

We specialize in the Brazilian bikini that is gentle, natural, safe, and sanitary.
Bare Body Sugaring is proud to offer this gentle, natural form of hair removal, along with other body-enhancing services. We not only serve woman, but we also have multiple services for men.

Care Before and After Bare
Before · Do
The hair should be approximately ¼” long, or the length of a grain of rice. The best time to come in is about 2 weeks post shave. This is the ideal length for the sugar to grab the root of the hair.
if you’re on a medication such as Retin-A, Isotretionin, or other acne medications weaken the skin and may cause it to tear.
Rumour has it that taking Advil before an appointment can help reduce the pain.
After · Do
Urine can cause discomfort to open follicles and is best if diluted.
to the heat sensitive area. Cooling will help to constrict blood vessels and relieve discomfort.
4-6 weeks apart. Cancel or reschedule at least 24 hours before your appointment.
After · Avoid
Perspiration and friction could be irritating to the area. Wait 24 hours.
The goal is to remove the root of the hair so it grows back softer, finer, and fewer.
can cause greater inflammation and infect surrounding pores.