April 29, 2022

Self-Love Journalling Prompts

Self-Love Journalling Prompts

If only there was a way to instantly boost your self-confidence. But the truth is, feeling comfortable in your skin takes time, patience, and practice. If you have a hard time with self-love, you aren’t alone. One way to overcome a negative self-image is to journal each day.

Ever sat down and started to journal, only to find yourself staring at the blank page? You know all the benefits of this practice; it helps you stay present, practice gratitude, and check in with yourself. But what if you don’t know how to get started?

Promote self-awareness, forgiveness, and acceptance with these journalling prompts:

Positive Affirmations

A journal prompt doesn’t have to be a question. You can also use a phrase, sentence, or statement – one that prompts more thoughts.

Start your entry with a positive affirmation (which is a phrase that challenges negative thoughts and promotes self-acceptance). Affirmations help you cultivate a positive self-image and embrace your strengths. Turn a negative thought on its head and find a new way to look at it. A few examples include:

  • I deserve love, happiness, and success.
  • I may be facing challenges, but I have the perseverance and willpower to overcome them.
  • Each day, I am getting stronger.
  • While I make mistakes, I am always learning from them.

Once you jot down a prompt, you can expand on what it means to you and how it relates to the current events in your life.

Write to Your Future Self

We’ve all been asked the question: Where do you see yourself in 5, 10, or 20 years?

Take this question to your journal, and write a letter to your future self. Once you get started, you might realize how emotional this prompt can be. It gets you thinking about your goals, how you see yourself now, and what you really want for yourself.

If you’d like to deliver this letter to yourself, try FutureMe! You can choose a date for your letter to be delivered. By that time, you’ll likely have forgotten what you initially wrote; it will be a heartwarming surprise.

Questions To Ask

A classic journal prompt begins with a question. With these prompts, you’ll find yourself deep in self-reflection while you fill the page with your thoughts:

  • What’s a new habit you’d like to start?
  • How can you better support yourself today?
  • What’s one thing you need to forgive yourself for?
  • List something that you’re proud of yourself for.
  • Name a quality that you love about yourself.

Journalling Tips

Before you put your pen to paper, take note of these quick tips:

  • Don’t stress if you can’t write a lot. The answer to a prompt may only be a sentence or two. If you can’t think of anything else to write, don’t worry; you can always try again tomorrow.
  • Take your time. Some of these questions can be challenging to answer. You may need to dig deeper to get at the heart of your response, and that takes time.
  • Try one prompt a day. Journalling is easier when you make it a regular practice. Make it your goal to jot down an entry each day, even if you only spend a few minutes doing so. Before you know it, you’ll have built a healthy new habit.

Take Care of Yourself this Spring

At Bare Body Sugaring, we’re all about self-care. We hope that these journalling prompts help you develop a deeper sense of confidence and compassion for yourself.

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